Peter Barron Stark
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Peter Barron Stark
& Associates
11417 W. Bernardo Ct.
San Diego, CA 92127
Phone: 877.727.6468
Phone: 858.451.3601
FAX 858.451.3604
What's New In This Issue:
1. Welcome
2. Peter Stark on Win-Win Negotiations
3. Test Your Negotiating Skill
4. Negotiation in Action - Negotiating Your Next Car
5. Special offer - Negotiation Teleconference
Welcome to the premiere issue of The Master
Negotiator. It is my sincere hope that this newsletter will help
strengthen your negotiating skills and ensure a win-win outcome for
you every time you negotiate. We'd love to hear your feedback and
your suggestions on how we can make this newsletter even more
valuable in the days to come. Please feel free to contact me with
any negotiating questions or article ideas. We'll do our best to
address them in upcoming issues. (
Remember, almost everything in life is
Peter B. Stark |
Peter Stark on
Win-Win Negotiations
Any negotiation--whether it involves settling on the price of a
product or service, agreeing to the terms of a job offer, or simply
deciding on a bedtime for your children--ends in one of five possible
outcomes: (1) lose/lose, in which neither party achieves his goals; (2)
lose/win or (3) win/lose, in which one party achieves her goals and the
other does not; (4) no outcome, in which neither party wins or loses;
and (5) win/win, in which the goals of both parties are met. It’s easy
to see that numbers 1 and 4 are less than ideal, as is number 2 if you
are the one who loses! But what about the other two outcomes? Isn’t
win/lose just as desirable as win/win, as long as you are the winner?
Read article . . .
Test Your
Negotiating SkillLike any skill,
negotiation can be learned, practiced and mastered. Personal
and professional growth in any area of life usually involves a
combination of awareness and risk taking. Fill out this
questionnaire on the personal characteristics necessary to be a
great negotiator.
Take the test . . .
Negotiation in
Action - Negotiating Your Next Car
Buying a car can be a daunting task, but with the right information
and preparation, you can get your dream car at a dream price. Car
salespeople have earned a reputation as "slick" and seem to always
have the upper hand in the transaction. This insightful article will
give you the "inside scoop" on how to negotiate YOUR deal, and not
get taken for a ride.
Negotiating Your Next Car . . .
Special Offer - Negotiation Teleconference
We would like to offer you a special invitation
to our Negotiation Teleconference by bestselling authors, Peter
Stark and Jane Flaherty, on Oct. 21 from 11:00 am to 12:15 pm (PST).
As a subscriber to The Master Negotiator you can register for just
$36.00 (a 20% savings). To receive this special price, please
click on The Master Negotiator Subscriber link on the registration
page. For more information on the
teleconference or to register please visit: